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I Sing Because I'm Happy...

...but vocally I am not free!


Do you love to sing in your choir or praise team? You love to express your praise with your voice and you love to share your passion with others. Even though you might stand at the back or far away from the mic, it doesn't matter as nothing is going to stop you from singing God’s praise.

You LOVE to sing. So why is it difficult at times?

Intimidating? Underminding? Nervous? Unsettling?

Choosing to sing in the background when ever you get the chance instead of taking a place at the front? Or second guessing your ability and comparing yourself to others, fuelling insecurity?

I think I know why. Let me try to explain.

Just as the famous song suggests, you sing because you are happy; when the preaching fails you can still use your voice to praise or where your own words lack you can express them through your favourite song.

And really this is all God asks for, singing and praising from your heart. I could stop right here.

But from the prospective of Ministry, is it really enough just to be happy when you not vocally free to sing?

And before you say:

“I only help out in the choir or sing background in the praise team”,

let me make this clear: Choir and worship team IS ministry no matter where you sing!! Selah

There is a difference between Calling and Ministry: Ministry is to serve or service, Calling is a setting apart for a specific role. You may not feel God is setting you apart for the role of Worship Leader but if you sing you are in service. But I digress....

As I was asking, is it really enough just to be happy when you not vocally free to sing?

Perhaps you can ask yourself this...

Is happiness enough, when you cannot hit the high notes without shouting or screaming, causing pain?

Is happiness enough when you cannot find and sustain the harmony and are frustrated cause no one can - or will -help you to find it?

Is happiness enough when your choir director doesn't know what to do with you so moves you to the tenors because you are singing out of key?

Is happiness enough, when after singing for 2 hours at convention and you have lost your voice and you tone changes?

Is happiness enough when you cannot find your correct range so keep moving around from one section to another?

Is happiness really enough?

In my opinion - and from personal experience - I would say no.

Off the top of my head, I would say about 95% of my students are from church, as a result I have noticed that the main things that can stand in the way of vocal freedom are:

**Insecurity **Lack of vocal knowledge **Comparison **Poor vocal direction (from the choir director)

Each of which, or a combination of, can have a real impact on the voice when singing. So, what am I saying?

>>I am saying that when people come into my studio they love to sing but they are not happy.<<

Why? Because vocally they are not free.

So I want to encourage you

Whether you are in service as a singer or feel called as a worship leader, don’t let being happy whilst struggling with your vocals be your ultimate goal. The two do not work together very well.

Rather look back to scriptures and where The WORD gives us guidance:

  1. “Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed...” 2 Timothy 2:15 - There is NO shame in working with a vocal tutor or taking a course in vocals. It will give you CONFIDENCE, the TOOLS and KNOWLEDGE you need to put yourself in charge of your own voice

  2. “...Kenaniah the head Levite was in charge of the SINGING; that was his responsibility because he was SKILFUL at it.” - 1 Chronicles 15:21-23 - When you give yourself to training and practice you will become a skilful vocalist and IN CONTROL of your own vocal destiny

  3. “Present your body a living sacrifice.... Roman 12: 1-2 – If your heart is to give the best you can to God then give your vocals and singing too. Sacrifice time to practice and sacrifice SELF to learn.

  4. Great vocal ability is in you if you are prepared to learn, practice and give time. Understand that to be in charge of your own vocal destiny is to be VOCALLY FREE.

If you want to be vocally free, you know what to do. :)

To Your Vocal Success

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